Milborne Kitchen- Porcelain

Bridport, Dorset

To the untrained eye this may look like a simple Kitchen redesign however, like many of the projects we work upon, there are many unchangeable factors to consider impacting upon design and functionality.

Our clients electrical and gas supply were located within the very corner of this room and could not be altered- it was therefore our mission to ensure this could be easily accessed at all times without being an eye sore. A task of which we completed extremely well with our high standard cabinetry. Moreover, our clients specified they would like to provide a space to accommodate their Fridge Freezer without encroaching upon the dining space in the room. For this we needed to bring the Kitchen round the corner which required us to build and supply a bespoke unit. We agreed with the client that the cabinetry run housing the F/F would not be made and supplied until the rest of the Kitchen has been installed. This worked extremely well in ensuring the bespoke elements would fit perfectly and although it meant we had to work extremely quickly we managed to design, produce and deliver the units within the day, thanks to our expertise & state of the art machinery in our factory workshop

Overall, we think this colour combination brings a lot more light to the Kitchen space whilst looking fresh & inviting.  

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The Process

Take A Look At The Before Design And After




Project Overview

Door Style

Milborne- Porcelain


20mm Quartz Strata Imperial


Approx £17,500


Clients own



“Thank you so much for all your close involvement in this project. It has truly been a delight to work with you and your extended team.  Thank you also for the kind gift. We are very pleased that a tree has been planted in our name and the chocolate will of course be enjoyed!

I would not hesitate to recommend your service to others and as you know have already been loudly extolling your virtues.”